Because of the risk of skin cancer, you should always be on the lookout for changes in the moles you have, plus the appearance of new ones. A suspicious mole is usually the reason most people discover the existence of a melanoma, so being aware of your moles is an important step towards protecting your own health.
With all the focus on moles, however, people are not always aware of some of the other signs of skin cancer and, with only 20 to 30 percent of cases appearing as moles, you should know what else could be a warning sign of potential danger so you can schedule a skin check as soon as possible.
When you check your body for moles, make sure you also look out for any of the following symptoms and get them checked out if you’re at all worried.
Actinic keratosis shows up as an area of rough, textured skin that will normally have a noticeable texture when touched. People sometimes describe actinic keratosis as looking similar to a wart, which is what makes actinic keratosis seem like nothing to worry about. In addition to the texture, it may also be red or sometimes other colours including brown and purple.
While this condition doesn’t necessarily mean you have skin cancer, the patchy skin sometimes develops into skin cancer, so get it checked out as soon as possible. Once you have a diagnosis, keep an eye on the rough area in the same way you would a mole, being alert to suspicious changes like bleeding, irritation or a difference in appearance.
Merkel cell carcinoma is particularly rare, but it’s also dangerous because it doesn’t always seem significant. It appears as a smooth lump, almost like a blister, that might be a similar colour to your normal skin tone. It doesn’t cause any pain or irritation, so it’s easy to ignore.
However, Merkel cell carcinoma grows quickly and can become serious in a short time, so if you notice anything that fits the description, get the questionable skin checked as soon as possible and don’t wait for any extra symptoms.
Various skin conditions and injuries bleed occasionally, despite being harmless or easily explained. Anything that doesn’t seem to be healing, on the other hand, is definitely cause for concern.
Basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas can both look like either open sores or scabs, perhaps alternating between the two in appearance. The important difference that should put you on high alert, however, is that they don’t heal in normal time.
Any marks on your skin that don’t follow normal healing times should be checked out without delay.
Skin cancer symptoms don’t always follow specific rules and fit into neat boxes. As a guideline, a professional should inspect any mark on your skin, no matter how small or insignificant, if the mark doesn’t go away. Sometimes, the mark can be as simple as subtle discolouration or a slightly different texture, but if you have anything that concerns you, get an expert opinion.
Be aware of any and all of your skin’s changes if you have a history of sunburn or if you’re in any of the other high-risk groups for cancer.
If you’ve found something on your skin that worries you, you have a family history of skin cancer or you just want to put your mind at rest, contact us today for an appointment. Regular skin checks with our expert dermatologists can highlight areas of concern, catch skin cancer early and help you stay healthy.